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Reduced Ticket Availability For Children And Time Slot Allocation

Anne Frank's House: Advance Ticket Purchase Becomes Mandatory

Reduced Ticket Availability for Children and Time Slot Allocation

Effective immediately, visitors to Anne Frank's House will no longer be able to purchase tickets on-site. All tickets must be purchased online through the official website and for a specific time slot. This measure has been implemented to reduce overcrowding and ensure a more comfortable and meaningful experience for visitors.

Mandatory Tickets for Children

In line with this policy, children aged 0-9 years old are also required to have their own pre-purchased tickets. Previously, a limited number of free tickets were available for children at the door, however, this option is no longer available.

Time Slot Allocation

To manage the flow of visitors and prevent lengthy queues, visitors must select a specific time slot for their visit. Once inside the museum, visitors are free to stay as long as they wish.


The Anne Frank House is a cherished historical site that attracts visitors from around the world. By implementing advance ticket purchase and time slot allocation, the museum aims to enhance the visitor experience while preserving the legacy of Anne Frank and her family. This policy ensures that all visitors have an opportunity to access the museum while respecting the delicate nature of the site.
